Recess USP International Cooperation Office
Happy Holidays!
Belgian Economic Mission, led by Princess Astrid of Belgium, visits Brazil at the end of November
On this occasion, the Princess will be accompanied by a quite large delegation of Belgian companies.
USP Academy 2025 offers several short-term free courses
Deadline for Nominations: November 7, 2024.
USP joins a collaborative network to develop artificial intelligence based on open innovation
USP is the first Latin American institution to become part of the AI Alliance, which brings together more than 100 organizations promoting the collaborative development of AI.
USP Students Stand Out in International Cybersecurity Competitions
A group of students from the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at USP in São Carlos has been excelling in events in the field since 2023, and recently achieved the top position in Latin America.
USP is the Best Ibero-American University, According to Chinese Ranking
Ranked in the 101-150 group, the University maintains its leadership among institutions in Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.
Internationalization is the central theme at the Meeting of the University Council
The meeting was an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the main actions of the Rectory and Units aimed at strengthening the international environment at the University.
International Meeting Stimulates Debate on the Reality of Brazilian Favelas
For the first time, the international meeting comes to USP and brings together presentations on different aspects of urbanization.
USP will strengthen academic and scientific partnership with the University of Turin
The signing ceremony was held at the Palácio do Planalto in Brasília as part of the program for the visit of the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, to Brazil.
USP is the 16th highest producer of scientific articles in the world
This is the evaluation of the ranking prepared by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University, Netherlands.
USP inaugurates corner dedicated to Quebec at the International Intercultural Center
Minister of International Relations of the Canadian province, Martine Biron, attended the ceremony of the new corner of the USP International Intercultural Center.
USP will have an international center to enhance collaboration efforts with China
The creation of the USP-China Center was approved by the University Council on May 21st.
USP signs agreement to host researchers from universities in Mozambique
Through the agreement, the University will host graduate students who work as professors in the African country.
USP ranks among the top 0.6% of the world’s best universities, according to international ranking
The assessment is from the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), a consultancy from the United Arab Emirates that evaluated 20,966 institutions in its 2024 edition.
USP strengthens agreements and partnerships with leading universities in England
The university signed agreements with Imperial College London and the University of Oxford; in Cambridge, the proposal to promote joint workshops to define strategic research areas was discussed.
The agreement lasts for five years and includes the launch of calls for proposals aimed at research and teaching in all areas of knowledge.
Higher education needs more inclusive international cooperation, according to experts
The idea was debated during the Faubai 2024 Conference, which took place from April 21 to 24 in São Paulo and included the participation of representatives from the educational sector of 25 countries.
Climate change has affected the lives of workers around the world
Guilherme Guimarães Feliciano comments on an ILO report, which states that around 70% of workers already have their health affected by global climate problems.
Scientists from Brazil and India Study Possible Treatment for Solid Tumors
In animal tests, nanoparticles containing substances already approved for human use reduced inflammation in the biological microenvironment where such cancers develop, facilitating the action of the immune system.
USP Academy 2024 offers several short-term free courses
Deadline for Nominations: May 30, 2024.
Students from USP stand out in international competition in the field of Law
A team from the USP Law School was selected in the national stage and proceeded to the international semifinals of the prestigious Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
Winners of the Nobel Prize participate in meeting at USP
Three laureates were present at an event at the University and interacted with the community in a chat about their scientific career.
16 courses from USP are among the top 50 in the world
USP is the Latin American university with the highest number of classified courses.
On a visit to USP, President Emmanuel Macron inaugurates the Institut Pasteur in São Paulo
The ceremony took place at the InovaUSP building, in the University City, and was attended by the director of the Institut Pasteur, Yasmine Belkaid.
USP aims to consolidate academic alliance with universities from Latin America and Spain
The Rector of USP participated in a meeting in Mexico with officials from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the University of Buenos Aires, the Complutense University of Madrid, and the University of Barcelona.
Angolan researchers are selected to pursue postgraduate studies at USP
The 128 chosen by the Angolan government will receive scholarships to start their master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral courses at the University.
USP and the University of Alberta sign cooperation agreement for joint research
The agreement provides for international collaboration between the two academic institutions, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence and sustainable development.
USP and Hyundai discuss future partnerships in the clean and sustainable energy sector
At an event at RCGI, the rector of USP and the global president of Hyundai spoke about collaborations in strategic areas in the energy sector, focusing on sustainable and clean production.
In the 81-90 position, USP ranks among the most prestigious universities in the world
The assessment comes from the consultancy Times Higher Education, based on the opinions of 38,000 researchers.
With the creation of this new space, RCGI will have a research hub in Europe, gaining expansion for international partnerships.
USP and the University of Groningen strengthen partnership in teaching and research
The two institutions signed a cooperation agreement this Tuesday, January 23, during the visit of the European university’s rector to USP.
Research from USP on the world’s largest lake enters the “Guinness,” the record book
The team discovered the immense proportions of the magnificent Paratethys, the largest lake ever to exist on Earth, with the Caspian, Black, and Aral Seas as modern remnants.
USP is the eighth most sustainable university in the world according to the GreenMetric ranking
The ranking was disclosed during the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, which is taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Eight of the world’s most influential researchers are from USP
The assessment ‘Most Cited Researchers’ is developed by the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics and was released on November 15th, 2023.
Invitation to Viva Usp! – Exchange program at University of São Paulo, Brazil
The USP International Office provides the university community with free-of-charge access to this innovative course of Portuguese.
USP aims to consolidate partnership with Texas A&M University in the areas of energy and engineering
A delegation from USP visited the institution to explore partnerships in the fields of energy, biomedical engineering, and aeronautical engineering.
USP and the Organization of American States sign academic cooperation agreement
Partnership with the OAS, signed at the organization’s headquarters in Washington, foresees the development of projects in research, training, and professional development.
A public, free, socially democratic university open to talent
By Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, rector of USP.
Call for Applications: Mecila Doctoral Researcher 2024
Deadline for applications: February 24, 2024.
Students and alumni from USP make up the world’s first parasymphonic orchestra
The project, aimed at musicians with disabilities, includes faculty, students, and graduates from the School of Communications and Arts (ECA) in its composition. The initiative promotes social interaction and visibility for the cause of inclusion.
Five concentration areas of USP are among the top 50 in the world according to a Chinese ranking
The Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 evaluated over 5,000 universities from 104 countries.
USP signs agreement with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
World meeting on food discusses proposals and solutions for food security and climate impacts.
USP delegation visits University of Münster (Germany)
Guests from the University of São Paulo took a look at a selection of teaching and research facilities.
Recess – USP International Office
The USP International Office will be closed from December 25, 2023, to January 1, 2024.
With Brazilian participation, the production of the largest 3D map of the Universe has begun
Over the course of a decade, through observations from the Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) project, hundreds of millions of galaxies and stars will be mapped.
A delegation from the university, led by the rector, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, was on an international mission, engaging with Chinese universities and government agencies.
International impact ranking highlights 244 scientists from University of São Paulo
A new survey released by Elsevier publisher points to the prominence of USP’s faculty in various areas.
This activity was part of the schedule of the international mission formed by USP leaders, who were in France and Germany from September 25 to October 3.
USP and the University of Tübingen strengthen their partnership for dual degree programs
The cooperation agreement aims to promote the exchange of doctoral students and the attainment of dual degrees.
USP is celebrating 90 Years of Partnership: Request for Videos
Thank you for being a part of our journey and helping us reach this incredible milestone.