Exchange Programme for Undergraduate Students

In this page you will obtain all the information you will need about how to apply to any Exchange Programme offered by Universidade de São Paulo (USP) for undergraduates.

Universidade de São Paulo (USP) offers a number of exchange places for students from partner universities from all around the globe. You can apply for the international exchange programme from your second year of studies onwards at a university that has an international exchange agreement with USP.

Before proceeding, please be sure to read the information below:

Content of this page:

  1. Before you apply
  2. Deadline for nominations
  3. Deadline for applications
  4. How to apply
  5. Language requirements
  6. Search and selection of courses
  7. Special requirements and course restrictions
  8. USP units
  9. How many Credits you will need to be enrolled on
  10. Supporting documents
  11. After you apply
  12. Further important information
1. Before you apply

All requests will be forwarded and handled by the international offices of USP schools, colleges and institutes, you will need to contact your home university Student Exchange Coordinator for application information. To be eligible for an exchange place you will need to be nominated by your home university.

For Free Movers to be eligible for exchange, they will need to be nominated by a professor or the international office of their home university. Students considering applying as Free Movers should directly contact the Local International Office of the School/Institute of their interest to check the eligibility criteria and the application procedures.

USP may consider applications of students nominated by Study Abroad Advisors/Exchange Coordinators of non-partner universities. In this case, the acceptance of students will be under analysis by each USP unit. Please contact your Study Abroad Advisor/Exchange Coordinator of your home university to discuss the application process.

You will find further information for (non-)partner universities and applicants on our Nomination/Application Platform Mundus.

Process for nomination by foreign educational institutions: Nomination/Application Platform Mundus.
2. Deadline for nominations by foreign institutions:
  • Exchange in the 1st semester (February – June): online nomination from August 1st until October 5th.
  • Exchange in the 2nd semester (August – December): online nomination from March 1st until May 5th.
3. Deadline for applications by the nominated student (student who has already been nominated by their home institution and received the link to complete their registration on the USP platform)
  • Exchange in the 1st semester (February – June): online application from August 1st until October 15th.
  • Exchange in the 2nd semester (August – December): online application from March 1st until May 15th.
4. How to apply

Once you have been nominated, you will be emailed a link and instructions to complete your application. You must upload all supporting documents as part of your online application.

The applications submitted will then be analyzed by the Central International Cooperation Office and forwarded to the School(s) of interest in the days following the deadline.

5. Language Requirements

Portuguese is the main language of instruction at USP. USP does not ask for any result from official language tests. However, we strongly recommend that students nominated for exchange studies at USP have a good command of Portuguese in order to attend classes (at least B1 level according to the CEFR).

The School of Education (FEUSP) accepts students with a basic knowledge of Portuguese (A1 level).

For information on the availability of study options possibly taught in English, please refer to the Local International Offices operating at the faculty level.

6. Search and selection of courses

When choosing the courses you wish to attend, take into account the number of credits that you are expected to accumulate in a given semester. Before filling out your Learning Agreement, please read carefully the sections related to the Credit System at USP and Credit Transfer Guidelines and Grade Equivalency. Please note that there are differences between the undergraduate and the postgraduate level. More or less credits may be accumulated each semester, provided that the Learning Agreement is approved by the home university.

Many courses at USP have curriculum requirements that need to be considered. Therefore, the requests will be analyzed taking into account the student’s Transcripts of Records and the Learning Agreement.

A full list of courses can be found in the Undergraduate Course Catalogue on our Nomination/Application platform Mundus (on the left menu bar).

When designing your Learning Agreement, please keep in mind that the preliminary course choices during the application period are intended to provide you with an understanding of the potentially available study options. They also help your prospective host school(s) prepare for incoming students and define your home school at USP based on your major field of study, interests, and course preferences.

However, please be aware that the course list available during the application period may not necessarily match the actual course offerings when the enrollment period begins, which occurs later upon your arrival. As a result, you may need to make adjustments to your original Learning Agreement during the add/drop period, based on the most current course offerings and your timetable.

7. Special requirements and course restrictions
  • The School of Engineering (Escola Politécnica) requires exchange students to enroll in a number of subjects that corresponds to 12 credits per semester;
  • Ribeirão Preto School of Economics, Administration, and Accounting (Faculdade de Economia e Administração de Ribeirão Preto – FEARP) requires applicants to enroll in a number of subjects that corresponds to at least 16 credits;
  • The School of Architecture and Urbanism (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – FAU) and the School of Economics, Business and Accountancy (Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária – FEA) receive each semester a large number of applications and have limited capacity to admit all exchange students. Please refer to their Local International Offices before nominating students/applying. It’s highly recommended that students intending to apply for the above-mentioned schools consider the possibility of applying for other schools as well.
8. USP units

You are able to take courses from across different subjects and teaching schools at USP, regardless of your major and of which school is your parent school at USP. You will be allocated a parent school that will be responsible for the administration of your studies at USP.

9. How many Credits you will need to be enrolled on

Exchange students are generally expected to take 12 USP credits per semester, but the student will have this information confirmed by the USP unit in which they will carry out their exchange, independently of the subject area (Local International Relations Office).

10. Supporting documents

You will need to upload copies of the supporting documents:

  1. Transcript of records: versions in English, Spanish and Portuguese are accepted. Documents issued in other languages must be sent along with a simple translation into Portuguese, English or Spanish;
  2. Learning Agreement: (download the template) it needs to be signed and stamped by an academic who has the authority to approve the mobility programme of outbound students (Learning Agreements), to exceptionally amend them when necessary, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programmes on behalf of the responsible academic body;
  3. Passport: bio-data page. It must be valid for the period of exchange at USP;
  4. Photo: in .jpeg format. It will be used for your Student ID;
  5. Letter of Recommendation (optional): a one or two-page letter of recommendation from an academic authority at the home university (in Portuguese, English or Spanish) for participation in the relevant exchange program at USP.
11. After you apply

The applications submitted will be forwarded and processed by the international offices of USP schools, colleges and institutes. After analysis, the approved student will be sent a letter of acceptance to the address provided at the time of appointment by the Exchange Coordinator of their home institution.

The acceptance letter will present the necessary information for the preparations and beginning of your exchange at USP.

Further important information