Before arriving in Brazil:

Foreign students and researchers approved for a period of academic mobility at the University of São Paulo must check if it is necessary to obtain a Temporary Student Visa (VITEM IV) or a Temporary Researcher Visa (VITEM I) before entering Brazil.

If academic mobility is carried out for a period fewer than 90 days and there is no employment relationship with the university, the foreign student or researcher must request/present:

  1. Visitor Visa (VIVIS): when there is no diplomatic reciprocity agreement between Brazil and the foreigner’s country of nationality;
  2. Passport: when there is a diplomatic reciprocity agreement between Brazil and the foreigner’s country of nationality, the visa application will not be necessary, and the foreigner must enter Brazil using a passport with a valid expiration date for the period of study/research.

The existence or not of diplomatic reciprocity agreements between Brazil and the applicant’s country of origin should be verified at:

For academic mobilities lasting more than 90 days, a temporary visa must be requested:

  1. Temporary Study Visa (VITEM IV): for undergraduate and graduate students approved for academic mobility or regular courses at the university;
  2. Temporary Research Visa (VITEM I): for professors, researchers, and postdoctoral fellows approved for academic mobility or research activities.

The visa is granted directly by the Brazilian Consular Offices closest to the foreigner’s domicile. A complete list of contacts can be accessed at

After arriving in Brazil

According to the laws in force in Brazil, the foreigner holding a temporary visa (VITEM I or VITEM IV) has a limit of 30 days (when the residence authorization is published in the Official Gazette of the Union) or 90 days (when entry into the country occurs through consular visas) to apply for temporary residence in the country. This procedure is carried out by obtaining the National Migration Registry (RNM), which replaced the National Foreigner Registry (RNE) in 2017. Failure to comply with this deadline will result in a daily fine for the foreigner, in addition to the impossibility of enrolling in USP.

We highlight that for foreign students and researchers who entered Brazil with a Visitor Visa (VIVIS) or a passport the National Migration Registry is not issued, provided that the period in Brazil does not exceed 90 days from the date of entry into the country.

To apply for the National Migration Registry, the foreigner must access the Federal Police website (, verify which documents are required according to each case, and make an online appointment to present the original documents at the Federal Police station. If the application is approved, a protocol will be issued containing the RNM, and later, the National Migration Registry Card (CRNM) will be made available.

However, the demand for this service has grown considerably, so foreigners may encounter difficulties in scheduling a date available to regularize their situation.

The Office of Academic Reception of AUCANI, facing this situation, has established a partnership with the Federal Police (São Paulo) so that the necessary appointments for Registry, Replacement, 2nd copy of CRNM, and Residence Authorization for study purposes are made directly by AUCANI with the Federal Police, in the cases of foreigners linked to the campuses of the city of São Paulo (Cidade Universitária, USP Leste, Quadrilátero da Saúde e Largo São Francisco).

Therefore, the foreigner who is linked to USP does not need to schedule a date directly on the Federal Police website – subject to waiting for availability – and can contact AUCANI, which will make this procedure more agile.

To do so, it is necessary to contact the International Office of the School where the exchange will take place.

For any questions, please contact us at

Useful links:
Official migration regulations and communications – National and USP organizations:
General Questions

Who can request the scheduling of RNM through AUCANI?

Foreigners linked to USP (excluding dependents).

How does it work?

The foreigner contacts the local international office (CRInt/CCInt) of their Teaching Unit and sends all the documents requested by the Federal Police. After verification by AUCANI, a date will be scheduled to attend the Federal Police in São Paulo and present all the original documents.

Is it mandatory to schedule the migratory regularization through AUCANI?

No, it is a support service provided by AUCANI, so the foreigner may or may not request it.

What are the documents required by the Federal Police?

The documents required depend on the type of request and can be checked at If there are any doubts, it is essential to contact the Federal Police Superintendence directly (, in the case of São Paulo), as they do not respond to third parties.

Where can I ask other questions?

It is essential that all questions about documents, procedures, and deadlines be sent directly to either the Consular Section of Brazil abroad (in the case of questions about visa issuance) or to the Federal Police, in the case of specific doubts about their migratory situation. However, the USP International Offices (CCInt/CRInt), as well as the Academic Reception Office of the USP International Office (AUCANI), can assist foreigners linked to the university (undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, employees, and faculty).