Graduate Education – Exchange Program for Master’s and Doctoral Students

The stricto sensu Graduate Program at USP comprises academic and professional Master’s programs (Mestrado), as well as academic Doctoral programs (Doutorado). Its primary goal is the generation of knowledge and the development of educators, researchers, and professionals who possess a comprehensive mastery of their field of study, along with strong leadership skills and a capacity for innovation.

Nomination and Application

In order to be eligible for an exchange placement at USP, students need to be officially nominated by the Exchange Coordinator of their home university.

The procedures and deadlines for nomination and application vary depending on the purpose of the exchange, whether it is for research or taught courses. Please refer to each category separately for detailed information on the nomination and application procedures and deadlines:

  1. Research-based Exchange Program
  2. Taught Courses (Course-based Exchange)

For any additional inquiries or assistance, please contact the relevant Local International Office.

Further important information
  1. Student Exchange Programmes General Information, visa, insurance, fees etc.)
  2. Structure of Degree Programmes
  3. Credit System
  4. Grading System
  5. Credit Transfer Guidelines & Grade Equivalency