Portuguese for Foreigners in Academic Mobility Contexts (1nd 2024)
The USP International Office announces the opening of enrollment for the Language Education Program at USP, an in-person introductory Portuguese for Foreigners (english/portuguese/español – versions) course on the comprehension and production of oral and written texts in Portuguese, aimed at undergraduate students of foreign institutions in exchange programs and foreign stricto sensu graduate students at USP.
The program results from a partnership between the USP International Office and the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo’s Department of Teaching Methodology and Comparative Education.
The course is in person and free. It aims to develop the student’s ability to understand and describe events in Portuguese, expanding their critical abilities and raising awareness of inter-cultural issues, especially in the academic environment. A 5-week course will be offered. Number of spots: 50 spots, of which 50% are for undergraduate students of foreign institutions in exchange programs, and 50% for foreign stricto sensu graduate students at USP.
Registration period until 05th April 2024.
Prospective candidates can apply exclusively online through the Mundus System, under the section Editais > Exchange Students. No login is required; individuals can access the public area.
For additional information not covered in the announcement or FAQ, please direct inquiries to aucani.idiomas@usp.br.