Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo (IPT)

Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT)

Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo

Image Credit: Marcos Santos – USP Imagens

Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo

Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT)

Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo (IPT)


Address: Avenida Professor Almeida Prado, 532

Butantã (Cidade Universitária)

São Paulo/SP

CEP: 05508-901

Institute Overview

The Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo [Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo] (IPT), an associated entity of USP, has the mission of creating and applying technological solutions to enhance the competitiveness of companies and promote quality of life. IPT is located on the São Paulo Campus, in the University City [Cidade Universitária] (Butantã district), west side of the city of São Paulo.

Undergraduate Education

IPT does not offer undergraduate courses.

Graduate Education

IPT offers the following Interdisciplinary Graduate Program*:

*(Levels: M = Master’s Degree | D = Doctoral Degree)

Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Program Area of Concentration Level
Biotechnology Biotechnology** (M/D)

** With collaborative activities involving

  • Institute of Biomedical Sciences [Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas] (ICB)
  • School of Engineering [Escola Politécnica] (EP)
  • School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science [Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia] (FMVZ)
  • Institute of Biosciences [Instituto de Biociências] (IB)
  • Instituto Butantan
Find out more

Last updated on August 20th 2024