Institute of Tropical Medicine (IMT)
Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT)

Image Credit: Marcos Santos – USP Imagens
Institute of Tropical Medicine
Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT)
Institute of Tropical Medicine (IMT) and Medical School (FM) International Relations Commission
Comissão de Relações Internacionais do IMT e da FM (CRInt-IMT-FM)
Address: Avenida Doutor Arnaldo, 455
2nd floor, room 2105
Cerqueira César
São Paulo/SP
CEP: 01246-903
Institute Overview
The Institute of Tropical Medicine [Instituto de Medicina Tropical] (IMT) is located in the Health/Law Quadrilateral [Quadrilátero Saúde/Direito], which is part of the São Paulo Campus, in the city of São Paulo.
To develop research, teaching, and outreach activities related to Tropical Diseases and International Health, integrating basic, clinical, and epidemiological research.
To generate knowledge that contributes to the development of new diagnostic methods, medicines, or vaccines, as well as to the reformulation of public policies aimed at Tropical Diseases and International Health. The objectiv of IMT is to be a nationally and internationally recognized center for research and human resource training.
The activities of IMT are conducted with respect for ethical principles, in a collaborative manner, optimizing resources and making research accessible to the scientific community and civil society.
Undergraduate Education
IMT offers a variety of courses at undergraduate level. For detailed information about the courses available and enrollment procedures, we kindly ask students to contact the Institute directly.
Graduate Education
IMT offers one Graduate Program* in the following Area of Concentration:
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Tropical Medicine | – Tropical Diseases and International Health | (M/D) |