University Hospital (HU)

Hospital Universitário (HU)

Hospital Universitário

Image Credit: Marcos Santos-USP Imagens

University Hospital

Hospital Universitário (HU)

University Hospital

Hospital Universitário (HU)

Address: Avenida Professor Lineu Prestes, 2565

Butantã(Cidade Universitária)

São Paulo/SP

CEP: 05508-000

Hospital Overview

The University Hospital [Hospital Universitário] (HU) aims to promote teaching, research, and community outreach services. HU is located on the São Paulo Campus, in the University City [Cidade Universitária] (Butantã district), west side of the city of São Paulo.

Education and Research

At HU, undergraduate students from health-related units receive practical and theoretical instruction to complement their training. In addition to undergraduate teaching, HU also hosts residents and trainees from the university’s various health care areas. As a teaching structure, HU accommodates more than 2,000 students a year in over 50 courses from seven USP units: the Medical School [Faculdade de Medicina] (FM) (including Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy), the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas] (FCF), the School of Public Health [Faculdade de Saúde Pública] (FSP), the School of Nursing [Escola de Enfermagem] (EE), the School of Dentistry [Faculdade de Odontologia] (FO), the Institute of Psychology [Instituto de Psicologia] (IP), and the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities [Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] (EACH). Thus, given its characteristic of being a structure simultaneously linked to the University’s health teaching units, it has an explicit vocation to develop interprofessional teaching projects that combine academic excellence with social relevance.

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Last updated on August 20th 2024