Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo Medical School (HCFMUSP)
Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP)

Image Credit: HCFMUSP
Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo Medical School (HC-FMUSP)
Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HCFMUSP)
Clinical Hospital FMUSP
Hospital das Clínicas (HCFMUSP)
Address: Avenida Doutor Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 255
Cerqueira César
São Paulo/SP
Hospital Overview
Inaugurated in 1944, the Clinical Hospital of the University of São Paulo Medical School [Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo] (HCFMUSP) is now a special autarchy of the Government of the State of São Paulo. It is administratively coordinated by the State Health Secretariat and subordinated to the Medical School [Faculdade de Medicina] (FM) for teaching, research, and providing health services to the community. HCFMUSP has established itself as a benchmark for the production and dissemination of technical-scientific knowledge, excellence in teaching, and public health. HCFMUSP is located in the Health/Law Quadrilateral [Quadrilátero Saúde/Direito], which is part of the São Paulo Campus, in the city of São Paulo.
Education and Research
The primary function of HCFMUSP is to serve as a teaching and training ground for undergraduate and graduate students from medical schools and other health science-related fields. It also serves as a training center for professionals involved in medical and hospital care, supports the development of scientific research, and provides assistance to the population.