Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences (FFLCH)
Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH)

Image Credit: Marcos Santos-USP Imagens
Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences
Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH)
FFLCH International Cooperation Commission
Comissão de Cooperação Internacional da FFLCH (CCInt-FFLCH)
Address: Rua do Lago, 717
Room 130
Butantã (Cidade Universitária)
São Paulo/SP
CEP: 05508-080
Contact: international.fflch@usp.br
Faculty Overview
The Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences [Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas] (FFLCH) aims to promote teaching and research, train researchers and qualified professionals, including primary, secondary, and higher education teachers, and carry out cultural and university outreach activities, including those aimed at the community outside USP. FFLCH is located on the São Paulo Campus, in the University City [Cidade Universitária] (Butantã district), west side of the city of São Paulo.
The Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences (FFLCH) is composed of eleven departments (name and code):
- Department of Anthropology (FLA)
- Department of Classical and Vernacular Languages (FLC)
- Department of Eastern Languages (FLO)
- Department of Geography (FLG)
- Department of History (FLH)
- Department of Linguistics (FLL)
- Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (FLT)
- Department of Modern Languages (FLM)
- Department of Philosophy (FLF)
- Department of Political Science (FLP)
- Department of Sociology (FSL)
Undergraduate Education
FFLCH offers the following Undergraduate Programs:
- Geography
- History
- Languages: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Linguistics, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
- Philosophy
- Social Science
Graduate Education
FFLCH offers Graduate Programs* in various Areas of Concentration, including the following:
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Brazilian Literature | – Brazilian Literature | (M/D) |
Economic History | – Economic History | (M/D) |
English Linguistic and Literary Studies | – English Linguistic and Literary Studies | (M/D) |
Foreign Languages and Translation | – Linguistic Studies – Linguistic, Literary, and Translation Studies in French – Literary and Cultural Studies – Translation Studies |
(M/D) |
Geography (Human Geography) | – Human Geography | (M/D) |
Geography (Physical Geography) | – Physical Geography | (M/D) |
Humanities, Rights and other Legitimacies | – Humanities, Rights and other – Legitimacies | (M/D) |
Languages (Classical Languages) | – Languages (Classical Languages) | (M/D) |
Languages (Comparative Studies in Portuguese Language Literatures) | – Comparative Studies in Portuguese Language Literatures | (M/D) |
Languages (German Language and Literature) | – German Language and Literature | (M/D) |
Languages (Italian Language, Literature and Culture) | – Italian Language, Literature and Culture | (M/D) |
Languages (Japanese Language, Literature and Culture) | – Japanese Language, Literature and Culture | (M) |
Languages (Literary Theory and Comparative Literature) | – Literary Theory and Comparative Literature | (M/D) |
Languages (National Network Professional Master’s Degree) | – National Network Professional Master’s Degree in Languages | (M) |
Languages (Portuguese Literature) | – Portuguese Literature | (M/D) |
Languages (Spanish Language and Spanish and Hispano-American Literatures) | – Spanish Language and Spanish and Hispano-American Literatures | (M/D) |
Linguistics | – Semiotics and General Linguistics | (M/D) |
Philology and Portuguese Language | – Philology and Portuguese Language | (M/D) |
Philosophy | – Philosophy | (M/D) |
Political Science | – Political Science | (M/D) |
Social History | – Social History | (M/D) |
Social Science (Social Anthropology) | – Social Anthropology | (M/D) |
Sociology | – Sociology | (M/D) |
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Integration of Latin America | Integration of Latin America** | (M/D) |
Aesthetics and Art History | Aesthetics and Art History*** | (M/D) |
- Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design [Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo] (FAU)
- Institute of Psychology [Instituto de Psicologia] (IP)
- Law School [Faculdade de Direito] (FD)
- School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities [Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] (EACH)
- School of Communications and Arts [Escola de Comunicações e Artes] (ECA)
- School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto [Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto] (FEARP)
- School of Economics, Business, Accounting and Actuarial Science [Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária] (FEA)
- School of Education [Faculdade de Educação] (FE)
- Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design [Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo] (FAU)
- Museum of Contemporary Art [Museu de Arte Contemporânea] (MAC)
- School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities [Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] (EACH)
- School of Communications and Arts [Escola de Comunicações e Artes] (ECA)