School of Communications and Arts (ECA)
Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA)

Image Credit: Marcos Santos-USP Imagens
School of Communications and Arts (ECA)
Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA)
ECA International Relations Commission
Comissão de Relações Internacionais da ECA (CRInt-ECA)
Address: Avenida Professor Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443
Main Bulding, 1st floor, room 148
Butantã (Cidade Universitária)
São Paulo/SP
CEP: 05508-020
School Overview
The School of Communications and Arts [Escola de Comunicações e Artes] (ECA) aims to train professionals and researchers in the fields of communications and the arts, fostering excellence in artistic, cultural, and scientific knowledge production. ECA is located on the São Paulo Campus, in the University City [Cidade Universitária] (Butantã district), west side of the city of São Paulo.
The School of Communications and Arts (ECA) is composed of eight departments (name and code):
- Department of Communication and Arts (CCA)
- Department of Film, Radio, and Television (CTR)
- Department of Information and Culture (CBD)
- Department of Journalism and Publishing (CJE)
- Department of Music (CMU)
- Department of Performing Arts (CAC)
- Department of Plastic Arts (CAP)
- Department of Public Relations, Advertising, and Tourism (CRP)
Undergraduate Education
ECA offers the following Undergraduate Programs:
- Advertising
- Audiovisual
- Educommunication (Teacher Education)
- Journalism
- Library Science
- Music – Bachelor’s Degree with a major in Percussion
- Music (Teacher Education)
- Music with a major in Composition or Conducting
- Music with a major in fingerstyle string instrument (guitar or Brazilian ten-string guitar)
- Music with a major in singing and lyrical art
- Music: Bachelor’s degree with a major in a string instrument (viola, violin or cello)
- Music: Bachelor’s degree with a major in a wind instrument (flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone or tuba)
- Music: Bachelor’s degree with a major in Keyboard Instrument (piano or organ)
- Public relations
- Publishing
- Scenic Arts (Bachelor’s degree)
- Scenic Arts (Teacher Education)
- Tourism
- Visual Arts (Bachelor’s degree)
- Visual Arts (Teacher Education)
Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Programs
- Design*
- Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design [Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo] (FAU)
- School of Economics, Business, Accounting and Actuarial Science [Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade] (FEA)
- School of Engineering [Escola Politécnica] (EP)
Graduate Education
ECA offers Graduate Programs** in various Areas of Concentration, including the following:
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Audiovisual Media and Processes | – Audiovisual Media and Processes | (M/D) |
Communication Sciences | – Communication Sciences – Study of Media and Media Production – Theory and Research in Communication |
(M/D) |
Information Management (Professional Master’s Degree) | – Organization, Mediation, and Circulation of Information | (M) |
Information Science | – Culture and Information | (M/D) |
Music | – Musicology – Processes of Musical Creation |
(M/D) |
Performing Arts | – Performing Arts – Theater Pedagogy |
(M/D) |
Visual Arts | – Visual Poetics – Theory, Teaching, and Learning |
(M/D) |
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Aesthetics and Art History | Aesthetics and Art History*** | (M/D) |
Integration of Latin America | Integration of Latin America**** | (M/D) |
- Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design [Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Design] (FAU)
- Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences [Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas] (FFLCH)
- Museum of Contemporary Art [Museu de Arte Contemporânea] (MAC)
- School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities [Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] (EACH)
- Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design [Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e de Design] (FAU)
- Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences [Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas] (FFLCH)
- Institute of Psychology [Instituto de Psicologia] (IP)
- Law School [Faculdade de Direito] (FD)
- School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities [Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] (EACH)
- School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto [Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto] (FEARP)
- School of Economics, Business, Accounting and Actuarial Science [Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade] (FEA)
- School of Education [Faculdade de Educação] (FE)