Institute of Physics (IF)
Instituto de Física (IF)

Image Credit: Marcos Santos-USP Imagens
Institute of Physics
Instituto de Física (IF)
IF International Relations Coordination
Coordenação de Relações Internacionais do IF (CRInt-IF)
Address: Rua do Matão, 1371
Main Building, room 3153
Butantã (Cidade Universitária)
São Paulo/SP
CEP: 05508-090
Institute Overview
The Institute of Physics [Instituto de Física] (IF) aims to promote, in an integrated manner, the generation of knowledge, the training of qualified personnel, and the extension of services to society in the physical sciences, their branches, and applications. IF is located on the São Paulo Campus, in the University City [Cidade Universitária] (Butantã district), west side of the city of São Paulo.
The Institute of Physics (IF) is composed of six departments (name and code):
- Department of Applied Physics (FAP)
- Department of Experimental Physics (FEP)
- Department of General Physics (FGE)
- Department of Materials Physics and Mechanics (FMT)
- Department of Mathematical Physics (FMA)
- Department of Nuclear Physics (FNC)
Undergraduate Education
IF offers the following Undergraduate Programs:
- Physics (Bachelor’s degree)
- Physics (Teacher Education)
Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Programs
- Medical Physics*
- Medical School [Faculdade de Medicina] (FM)
Graduate Education
IF offers one Graduate Program* in the following Area of Concentration:
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Physics | – Physics | (M/D) |
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Program | Area of Concentration | Level |
Science Education (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) | – Biology Education*** – Chemistry Education*** – Physics Education*** |
(M/D) |
- Institute of Biosciences [Instituto de Biociências] (IB)
- Institute of Chemistry [Instituto de Química] (IQ)
- School of Education [Faculdade de Educação] (FE)