USP International Intercultural Center hosts the Israeli Universities Fair 2022

by Filipe Albessu Narciso – on April 13th 2022

On April 6th 2022, the International Intercultural Center (CII) hosted the Israeli Universities Fair 2022. The in-person event, which started at 12am BRT and lasted until 6pm BRT, was attended by hundreds of people. The fair was organized by the USP International Cooperation Office (Aucani) alongside other six Israeli universities and the Israel Consulate General in São Paulo.

With a target audience of people interested in studying and/or working as an intern in Israel, both in English or Hebrew, the fair brought a bit of the Israeli spirit to the University of São Paulo through the CII’s Israel Corner, the presence of representatives of the country’s universities, as well as through the traditional dishes of the Israeli cuisine offered at the event.

Drawing the Brazilian public, especially the USP community, near to opportunities of undergraduate and graduate courses (Masters and PhD), graduate opportunities of MBA and specialized courses, as well as research possibilities in Israel, the Israeli Universities Fair was attended by the Haifa University, the Bar Ilan University, the Tel Aviv University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Technion. The public was able to turn to each university’s representatives to ask questions regarding the international programs offered by the country.

The event was also able to strengthen the bond between the University of São Paulo and the entrepreneuring nation of Israel. With the recent inauguration of the Israel Corner, USP has demonstrated the great importance that the academic cooperation between the university and Israel’s high education institutions has to it today, committing itself to foster an atmosphere of recognition and appreciation for the connection established with the country.