USP event welcomes its international students

(by Filipe Albessu Narciso – September 6th 2022)

On August 30th, the USP International Office, also known as Aucani, hosted the 2022 edition of the International Students Reception Event. The event happened at the International Diffusion Center’s building auditorium, at São Paulo Campus, and welcomed the undergraduate and graduate international students enrolled at USP. 

Around 200 students were present, from countries such as Colombia, France, and Spain. Aucani’s president, professor Sérgio Persival Baroncini Proença, reinforced the commitment of USP to the inclusion and belonging of its international students.

The University’s pro-rectors also attended the event and shared some words. Marli Quadros Leite (Culture and University Extension), Aluisio Augusto Cotrim Segurado (Undergraduate), Miriam Debieux Rosa (Inclusion and Belonging), Paulo Alberto Nussenzveig (Research and Innovation) e Márcio de Castro Silva Filho (Graduate) represented their own pro-rectory and gave speeches that offered the students the possibility to enjoy the most of what each institution has to offer.

USP’s vice-rector, Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda, gave the ending speech and emphasized the University of São Paulo prestige and remarkable nature, affirming that “USP is an institution that [students] take pride in being a part of”. The event also had an initial presentation of the woman group of USP Coral and a capoeira show after the vice-rector’s speech.