University of São Paulo will offer two new disciplines in English about Frontiers in Biotechnology

EACH-USP will offer two disciplines in English in the second semester of 2023. The disciplines are:
– Frontiers in Biotechnology I (ACH5528, and
– Frontiers in Biotechnology II (ACH5538,

They will start on the 29th and 30th of August, respectively, and will be taught every Monday (8am-12pm) and every Tuesday (2pm-6pm) until the last term week in December.

The objective of each of these disciplines, whose creation is the result of an agreement between the EACH and the Institut Superieur des Biotechnologies de Paris (Sup’Biotech), is to discuss in an integrated way knowledge on the frontiers of biotechnology with areas with which they have strong potential of interfacing and interaction, with a view to favoring work in the field of Biotechnology and opening up perspectives for the student to identify potential applications of the topics covered in situations of professional practice and with the development of products and services of biotechnological interest.

Fronteiras I will focus mainly on the integration between biotechnology and topics such as biodiversity, environment and environmental quality (including bioremediation) and bioenergy, while Fronteiras II will focus mainly on issues related to health science, pharmacology and other topics such as biophysics and data processing.

The two disciplines will include a six-day field trip as a way to complement training through the empirical experience of concrete complex situations of contemporary Brazilian reality. In 2023, the trip will take place in Vale do Ribeira and will include visits to a sugar cane and bioethanol production system, the PETAR park and the marine ecosystems of Cananéia/Iguape/Ilha Comprida (important reserves of biodiversity and conservation geological heritage) as well as the Quilombo do Ivaporunduva (historical and cultural heritage, small-scale agricultural production system, agroforestry systems). Each discipline will open twenty vacancies, four of which reserved for Sup’Biotech students already selected, four for foreign exchange students from any USP unit, ten for students of the Biotechnology course and two for students of any USP course.