The Institut Pasteur International Network is evolving and becoming the PASTEUR NETWORK

(official article – Pasteur Network website)

A new system of governance is being introduced for the Institut Pasteur International Network and its 33 members, which since 2011 have been part of the Pasteur International Network association, which was chaired by the Institut Pasteur President Stewart Cole.

Ten years on, the Network is adopting a more participatory, balanced mode of governance and a more structured business model. The articles of association of the Association representing the Institut Pasteur International Network have been amended, and the Association will now be known as the Pasteur Network.

A Sheltered Foundation is also being established, based at the Institut Pasteur, to serve as a financial body for the Network in addition to the Association. The organizational structure and new identity of the Pasteur Network reflect a continued commitment to tackling diseases, especially infectious and emerging diseases, through a One Health approach based on international solidarity and the development of a single voice.

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