Ireland Corner joins the International Intercultural Center

(by Filipe Albessu Narciso – September 6th 2022)

On August 31st, the Irish Consulate in Brazil and USP International Office (Aucani) inaugurated the Ireland Corner. Newest space to integrate the International Intercultural Center initiative, Ireland Corner is dedicated to the promotion of Irish culture as well as the promotion of exchange and research opportunities in Ireland.

Fifth country to inaugurate its own space in the Center, Ireland follows the nations of South Korea, Israel, France and India. Seán Hoy, Ireland’s ambassador in Brazil, pointed out the strengthening of the cooperation bonds between Brazil and Ireland. Hoy affirmed that, today, approximately 50 thousand Brazilians are living in Ireland and contributing to the country, and the Corner is an opportunity to give back this support.

Aucani’s president, professor Sérgio Persival Baroncini Proença, reinforced in his speech the importance of the International Intercultural Center for the promotion of different cultures and countries at USP and that Ireland Corner will motivate students of the University to learn more about the country and its academic opportunities.

The consul-general of Ireland in São Paulo, Eoin Bennis, emphasized in his speech the importance of bar culture in Ireland to explain the structure of Ireland Corner. Bennis affirmed that it works as a community center where celebrations, conversations, and artistic and cultural exchanges are promoted.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by USP pro-rector of Undergraduate and Graduate students, Aluisio Augusto Cotrim Segurado and Márcio de Castro Silva Filho, respectively; the coordinator of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Studies, Laura Patrícia Zuntini Izarra; of the honorary director of the Chair of Studies, Munira Hamud Mutran; of the representative of the Chair Paschoal Senise, Concepta Margaret McManus Pimentel; of the director of the South America Entreprise Ireland, Melissa Feddis; of consulate representatives from a variety of countries; as well as researchers and office members of USP. 

The Irish actor Stephen Rae attended the event and read the poem The Ghost of Roger Casement, by Willian Butler Yeats. The event also had an Irish music presentation and a dance presentation of a traditional Irish dance.