In the 81-90 position, USP ranks among the most prestigious universities in the world

The assessment comes from the consultancy Times Higher Education, based on the opinions of 38,000 researchers.

by Erika Yamamoto for the USP Journal.

Ranked in the 81-90 group for the third consecutive year, USP is the only Latin American university to feature among the top 100 institutions with the highest academic reputation in the world, according to the World Reputation Ranking 2023, released on Tuesday, February 13th.

Developed by the British higher education consultancy Times Higher Education (THE), the ranking classifies institutions according to the opinions of over 38,000 researchers and academics who are invited to list, based on their own experience, up to 15 universities they consider to be the best in terms of research and teaching.

The top three positions are held by the American universities Harvard University (1st place, for the thirteenth consecutive year), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2nd), and Stanford University (3rd).

In total, 31 countries had universities ranked among the top 200. The United States has the most institutions on the list, with 52 universities. Following are the United Kingdom with 20 institutions, China with 15, and Germany with 14.

Brazil is the only country in Latin America to have at least one university ranked. In the 81-90 position, USP is on par with institutions such as Leiden University (Netherlands), Australian National University (Australia), and the University of Bonn (Germany). The State University of Campinas (Unicamp) is the other Brazilian university on the list, ranked in the 151-175 group.

Points for assessing reputation refer to the number of times an institution was mentioned by respondents as the best in their respective fields of knowledge. The consulted academics could highlight universities they considered the strongest, regionally and globally, in their specific areas, among over 6,000 existing higher education institutions worldwide.