Center for Marine Biology (CEBIMar)
Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar)

Image Credit: Marcos Santos – USP Imagens
Center for Marine Biology
Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEBIMar)
Center for Marine Biology (CEBIMar)
Address: Rodovia Doutor Manoel Hipólito do Rego, km 131,5
São Sebastião/SP
CEP: 11612-109
Center Overview
The Center for Marine Biology [Centro de Biologia Marinha] (CEBIMar) is a specialized institute at USP dedicated exclusively to the study of marine biology. CEBIMar’s mission is to develop and promote knowledge of marine biology and its interdisciplinary fields, contributing to the preservation and conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems. CEBIMar is based in the city of São Sebastião, in the shore region of the state of São Paulo.
Undergraduate Education
CEBIMar offers a variety of thematic courses at undergraduate level. For detailed information about the courses available and enrollment procedures, we kindly ask students to contact the Center directly.
Graduate Education
CEBIMar’s faculty regularly offers graduate courses in collaboration with the Institute of Biosciences (ICB), the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP), and the Oceanographic Institute (IO).