Lorena School of Engineering (EEL)

Escola de Engenharia de Lorena (EEL)

Lorena School of Engineering: Fachada Área I

Image Credit: Marcos-Santos-USP-Imagens

Lorena School of Engineering: Fachada Área II

Image Credit: Acervo EEL

Lorena School of Engineering

Escola de Engenharia de Lorena (EEL)

EEL International Relations Commission

Comissão de Relações Internacionais da EEL (CRInt-EEL)


Address: Estrada Municipal do Campinho, 100

Ponte Nova


CEP: 12602-810


School Overview

Lorena School of Engineering [Escola de Engenharia de Lorena] (EEL) trains professionals in various branches of engineering, conducts scientific and technological research, and provides services of general and community interest. EEL is located on the Lorena Campus, in the city of Lorena.

Lorena School of Engineering (EEL) is composed of four departments (name and code):
  • Department of Basic and Environmental Sciences (LOB)
  • Department of Biotechnology (LOT)
  • Department of Chemical Engineering (LOQ)
  • Department of Materials Engineering (LOM)
Undergraduate Education

EEL offers the following Undergraduate Programs:

Graduate Education

EEL offers Graduate Programs* in various Areas of Concentration, including the following:

*(Levels: M = Master’s Degree | D = Doctoral Degree)

Program Area of Concentration Level
Industrial Biotechnology – Industrial Biotechnology (M/D)
Materials Engineering Conventional and Advanced Materials
Magnetism and Superconductivity
Chemical Engineering – Product and Process Development (M/D)
Science Educational Projects (Professional Master’s Degree) – Science Educational Projects (M)
Find out more

Last updated on August 20th 2024