Eight of the world’s most influential researchers are from USP
The assessment ‘Most Cited Researchers’ is developed by the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics and was released on November 15th, 2023.
by Bárbara Bigas for the USP Journal

Photo: Marcos Roberto / USP Journal
Eight professors from USP are among the world’s most influential researchers, according to the evaluation by the British consultancy Clarivate Analytics, released on November 15th. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the research institution with the highest number of cited researchers, with 270. Last year, the first place was held by Harvard University (USA).
In the ranking, there are professors Raul Dias dos Santos Filho and Renata Bertazzi Levy from the Faculty of Medicine (FM); Geoffrey Cannon, Maria Laura da Costa Louzada, Carlos Augusto Monteiro, Jean-Claude Moubarac, and Eurídice Martínez Steele from the Faculty of Public Health (FSP); and Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion from the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq).
This year, 7,127 researchers from 68 countries were selected. The United States has the highest number of mentioned researchers, 2,669, representing 37.4% of the total; next is China, with 1,275; and, in third place, the United Kingdom, with 574.
Brazil had 19 researchers on the list of the most influential. USP is the Brazilian institution with the most selected professors, eight in total. The number remained the same as last year. David Pendlebury, Chief Research Analyst at the Clarivate Institute for Scientific Information, said: “The list of the most influential researchers identifies and celebrates exceptional researchers at USP, whose significant and broad influence in their fields results in impacts on their communities and innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable, and safer. Their contributions go far beyond their individual achievements, strengthening the foundation of excellence and innovation in research.
Other ten Brazilian institutions had researchers mentioned
Besides USP, other ten Brazilian institutions had researchers mentioned: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (Cemaden), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, and Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ).
Annually disclosed since 2014, the Highly Cited Researchers list is developed based on an analysis of the number of citations of articles published by a researcher over a decade, using the Web of Science platform. After compiling the list, a quantitative analysis is performed with the opinion of specialists.
USP Professors Among the Most Influential in the World
Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion (Esalq)
Associate professor at the Department of Forest Sciences at Esalq, he is the vice-coordinator of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact and an affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. He holds a degree in Agronomic Engineering and a Ph.D. in Sciences from Esalq. He works on topics such as management and restoration of economically viable and socially inclusive tropical forests, aiming at the balanced coexistence of these forests with agriculture and livestock in landscapes modified by humans.
Jean-Claude Moubarac (FSP)
He collaborates with the Epidemiological Research Center on Nutrition and Health (Nupens) and is a researcher at the Public Health Research Center at the University of Montreal and Transnut, a World Health Organization group focused on the study of nutritional transition. Currently, he sits on the Montreal food system council. Between 2011 and 2014, he participated in postdoctoral programs in Nutrition at the Faculty of Public Health at USP.
Geoffrey Cannon (FSP)
A specialist in Public Health and international policies on food and nutrition, he contributes to articles on the NOVA project and ultra-processed foods. He is a member of the team at the Faculty of Public Health responsible for the Food Guide, authored by the Ministry of Health. He was the founding editor, designer, and columnist of the World Nutrition magazine.
Renata Bertazzi Levy (FM)
She is a scientific researcher in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. She has experience in Public Health, with emphasis on Epidemiology, mainly working on topics such as food consumption, diet surveys, food environment, and sustainability.
Maria Laura da Costa Louzada (FSP)
Ph.D. in Nutrition and Public Health from USP, she is a professor at the Department of Nutrition at the Faculty of Public Health and a researcher at the Epidemiological Research Center on Nutrition and Health (Nupens). She is an associate editor of the Revista de Saúde Pública and the Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia.
Carlos Augusto Monteiro (FSP)
A faculty member at the Faculty of Public Health, he appears for the fourth consecutive time on the list. He conducts research in the area of public health nutrition, with studies on determinants of the secular trend of breastfeeding and infant mortality in developing countries and methodology and creation of indicators for the anthropometric evaluation of the nutritional status of populations.
Raul Dias dos Santos Filho (FM)
Professor at the Department of Cardiopneumology at the Faculty of Medicine, he is the director of the Lipid Clinical Unit at the Heart Institute of Hospital das Clínicas (Incor), carrying out teaching, research, and assistance activities in undergraduate and postgraduate areas. He also works as a researcher at the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital, conducting studies in the area of cardiovascular prevention.
Eurídice Martínez Steele (FSP)
She holds a degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, a master’s degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and a Ph.D. in the Nutrition in Public Health Program from the Faculty of Public Health at USP, where she currently does postdoctoral research focused on the study of the association between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and diet quality and health outcomes.