The Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo in Brazil offers a post-doctoral position in the area of Systematics of Hymenoptera with a scholarship

The Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo in Brazil offers a post-doctoral position in the area of Systematics of Hymenoptera with a scholarship financed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). This vacancy is linked to the Thematic Research Project “Collect, identify, describe, exhibit. The curatorial cycle and the production of knowledge”, which is based in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC-USP) and focused on the curatorial cycle that involves a chain of procedures and practices inside museums, from the moment of incorporation of objects to its exhibition. Candidates must have prior experience in taxonomy, biodiversity and curatorial processes of insects of the order Hymenoptera, focusing on the study of bees or ants.

This vacancy is open to Brazilians and foreigners. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Post-Doctoral Fellowship of R$ 7.373,10 per month and a Reserve Contingency Fund which is equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the scholarship and is intended to cover expenses directly related to the research. More information on the FAPESP Post-Doctoral Fellowship is available at

The notice is available at and

More information about the fellowship is at: