USP elects new President and Vice-President
Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior and Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda, President and Vice-President respectively, will take office on January 25th 2022, and will serve a 4 years term.

Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior and Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda – Photomontage: USP Journal.
The professors Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior and Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda are the newly elected President and Vice-President of the University of São Paulo (USP). USP’s new President is a doctor by the Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP), with an award of distinction in the clinical course. The professor is a neurosurgeon, graduated from the FMRP Clinics Hospital (HCRP), and is considered a specialist by the Brazilian Society of Neurology. Carlotti has a masters degree and a PhD by FMRP and is a professor at the Department of Surgery and Anatomy of the School. The professor has also been HCRP’s clinic director, FMRP’s Dean and president of the Ribeirão Preto Medical Researches Foundation. At the moment, Carlotti is the Provost at the Post-Graduation Pro-Rectory at USP, a position he has occupied since 2016.
Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda, the new vice-President, graduated and has a masters degree and a PhD in Social Sciences, all achieved through USP. She is also a faculty member of USP, being a professor of sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences (FFLCH), department she served as Dean from 2016 to 2020. Furthermore, she was a senior researcher at the Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos de São Paulo, which can be translated as São Paulo’s Institute of Political and Social Studies, at the Pro-Rectory of Culture and Extension of USP from 2010 to 2015, as well as a representative of sociological studies at the Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) and a representative of Human Sciences at the CAPES’ technical-scientific council. As of now, Arruda is USP Women Office coordinator.
The new President and Vice-President of USP shall take office on January 25th 2022 and serve a mandate of four years. Carlotti and Arruda’s administration will be the university’s 28th administration since its foundation in 1934. They will succeed the serving President of USP, the Poli professor Vahan Agopyan, and Vice-President, the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC) professor Antonio Carlos Hernandes.
This article was written in Portuguese by Adriana Cruz, Jornal Da USP’s journalist, and translated by Filipe Albessu Narciso, journalism intern at the USP International Cooperation Office.