WCRP Programme – Survey for climate educators

Now, more than ever, the world needs climate scientists. A key part of building the climate research workforce needed to address the challenges of this century is broadening access to climate science training. The WCRP Academy is one of the new lighthouse activities of the World Climate Research Programme, designed to make positive steps towards giving more scientists access to the training they need to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

“To meet the challenges and explore the opportunities of our changing climate, our scientists will need a strong understanding of climate from an Earth systems perspective, will need a more interdisciplinary understanding of the problems faced, will need to understand better how their science can be used in decision making, and will need to know how to communicate it to a broad audience. This will require training  not only of our early career scientists, who will lead the way, but of all climate scientists.”

Detlef Stammer and Helen Cleugh, Chair and Vice-Chair of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee

A key pillar of the WCRP Academy is an annual, global stock-take of training needs. This message is to invite you to participate in the first survey.

Any questions, please do contact us on or visit our WCRP Academy website.