USP students are among the winners of the Global Challenge Lab 2021

(official press release)

The Global Challenge Lab 2021, organized by Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (England) and the Tsinghua University (China), has come to a close with some absolutely brilliant teams submit over 50 projects.

USP achieved expressive results and it was represented in the two winning teams by Giselle Akemi Tsukahara Jensen (1st place), Isabela Velloso and Luiz Lima (2nd place).

We have listed below the winners of the Challenge and their university:

Main prizes

1st Place: Team Scarlet £6000 – Oba-Pa (4 universities represented) 

Giselle Akemi Tsukahara Jensen University of Sao Paulo
Henry Duah University of Ghana
Joseph Otoo University of Ghana
Memma Uponi University of Toronto
Sonal Joshi Imperial College
Xian Zhang Imperial College

2nd Place: Milky £4000 – Pherotrap (3 universities represented) 

Isabela Velloso University of Sao Paulo
Luiz Lima University of Sao Paulo
Marc Amil Imperial College
Yovaylla Awuah University of Ghana

3rd Place: Heathcare Heroes £3000 – Quickmed (5 universities represented) 

Aarthi Ratnam LSE
Andre Bengtsson Huawei Seeds for the Future
BingXuan Ho Singapore Uni of Tech & Design
Xinming Wang Tsinghua University
ZhiXin Lim Tsinghua University
Zhiyu Zheng (Jerry) Imperial College

Track Winners

Mental Health & NCD: The Flu Fighters £1000 (3 Universities represented) 

Camilla Laing Huawei Seeds for the Future
Clarence Lee Sheng Singapore Uni of Tech and Design
Ivan Feng Jun Kai Singapore Uni of Tech and Design
Joshua Yong Imperial College
Ruby Ng Imperial College
Tom Hall Huawei Seeds for the Future

Women & Children’s Health: Scarlet £1000

As above

Communicable Diseases: Milky £1000

As above

Access To Healthcare: Quickmed £1000

As above

Huawei Technical Award: Contin-Us £2000 (4 universities represented) 

Aayush Tiwary University of Toronto
Aideen Larmer Imperial College
Ayush Singh IITM
Elisabeth Barth Technical University of Munich
Khaled Gaber University of Toronto
Mun Mun Han Imperial College

 People’s choice: Eir of Ceres £600 (4 universities represented)

Akofor Nkecho Thierry Bienvenue Tsinghua
Amardeep Singh IITM
Anouwoura Batabouya Elodie Ouelo University of Ghana
Jay Long IITM
Vaibhavi Itkyal IITM
Vidur Channa University of Toronto