Agência USP de Cooperação Acadêmica Nacional e Internacional

Professor da Turquia ministra palestras na ECA

O professor Nezih Orhon da Anadolu University (Turquia) ministrará duas palestras, em inglês, na Escola de Comunicação e Artes. Seguem as informações:

Palestra: Turkey’s Migrations and Immigrations
Quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2018
Horário: 18h-19h15
Local: Auditório A
Departamento de Cinema, Rádio e Televisão (CTR-ECA-USP)
Idioma da Palestra: Inglês

Palestra: “Film for Social Change – Making the Invisible Visible”

Are we aware of the story of the tomato we somehow eat every day? What or who might be behind the story of the tomato? There are some people, actually a significant population, putting their lives at risk for our life, but we do not see them. How can we see them then? How can film make a change? This conference invites you to discover answers through discussions and films. You will be surprised with the results.

Quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2018
Horário: 18 às 10 horas
Local: Auditório A – Departamento de Cinema, Rádio e Televisão – CTR-ECA

Visualizing Humanitarian Crises – The Syrian Crisis Case

Have we ever sympathized with refugees besides the ongoing media flashes and 30-second news pieces? When we call someone a refugee, what do we understand from this? Can we visualize their journey, their needs, their expectations? Or, do we simply consume them as news stories and make them disappear from agenda as it happens today? Is a humanitarian crisis limited to the subject matter? How can visuals play a particular role in the host country while they cover the humanitarian crisis? More importantly, how and what kind of roles institutions like universities can have during humanitarian crises? All these questions will be discussed and tried to unfold while discussing and watching the films.

Prof. Nezih Orhon is a member of Anadolu University’s Faculty of Communication Sciences’ Cinema and Television Department in Turkey since 1994. He served as vice dean during 2009-2011 and as the dean during 2011-2014 for his Faculty of Communication Sciences. Prof. Orhon teaches “Producing and Directing”, “Television Production”, “Peace Journalism” and “Crisis and Conflict Reporting”. His professional work experiences include national and international productions, articles, books and presentations. He has also worked for CNN International and NBC News during Iraqi War and other crisis. He is consulting UNFPA Turkey (United Nations Population Fund) in the area of communications and advocacy. He is in love with his daughter Bona Dea Orhon who is 5,5.

Departamento de Cinema, Rádio e Televisão da ECA-USP
Laica – Laboratório de Crítica e Investigação Audiovisual (CTR-ECA)
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais da ECA-USP
Aucani – Agência USP de Cooperação Acadêmica Nacional e Internacional

Palestras Prof. Nezih Ohon